

A fight to Achieve the United Nations Sustainable Developmental goals with you

 A fight to Achieve the UN Environmental  Sustainable developmental goals with YOU .

Helping  Communities across Africa to Mitigate,Adapt,and grow Resilience to Climate change effects .ACHIEVING UN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABLE GOALS

We welcome individuals, businesses, and organizations to join us in our mission to protect the environment. Whether you’re interested in volunteering, supporting our initiatives, or collaborating on our projects, we invite you to explore the various ways you can get involved and make a difference.



Atmospheric pollution, including air pollution, is a critical environmental challenge that our Environmental Association is committed to addressing through a variety of mitigation strategies. Air pollution can have severe consequences for public health, the climate, and the overall health of our ecosystems. Our association is dedicated to researching, implementing, and advocating for effective pollution control measures to improve air quality and protect the environment.


Plastic pollution is a growing global crisis that threatens the health of our ecosystems and the well-being of all living creatures. Plastic waste accumulates in the environment, leading to significant environmental degradation and posing serious risks to wildlife, habitats, and human communities.

Impact of Plastic Pollution

Oceans and Marine Life: Plastic waste (e.g., microplastics, ghost nets) harms marine ecosystems, entangles and ingested by wildlife, and disrupts food webs.
Terrestrial Environments: Plastic litter can contaminate soil, disrupt plant growth, and harm terrestrial organisms.
Wildlife and Biodiversity: Plastic pollution poses a direct threat to wildlife, leading to entanglement, ingestion, and habitat destruction.
Human Health: Microplastics and chemical additives in plastics can enter the food chain and potentially impact human health.
Climate Change: The production and disposal of plastics contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbate global warming.




Come join us

We need to reshape our perception of how we view the world.The next generation will need the Resources we enjoy today,the different animals and plants specifies most be protected from extinction.

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